Monthly Archives: January 2019

Great Advantages Of Assisted Living For Your Loved Ones

As much as we would love to stay young forever, it is not a humanly possible task to do and therefore, as humans we must learn to accept the reality of our life. Growing old is a natural part of our life and while we might not see ourselves growing gold, we have to see the loved ones around us grow older and older every single day. Growing old would be something that we want to happen in a problem free manner but this is not what happens in a lot of situations. A lot of health issues such as physical problems and other medical problems like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and more can be something many old men and women experience. This is why assisted living is a great solution for such individuals and if you are trying to make life easier for your loved ones, take a look at the great advantages of assisted living for your loved ones.

More safety and less risks

If your loved ones, such as your parent or your grandparents are living by themselves in their home, there can be many accidents and emergencies that might take place. Since there is no individual to make sure no accidents happen, the chance of your loved ones hurting or harming themselves is also high. But with assisted living Auckland, there is no reason for worrying about your loved ones because there is going to be an expert who will always take care of your the people in the house. 

More privacy for your home 

Some people might not want to leave the comfort, safety and privacy of their homes even if they are not able to live in their home by themselves. With options like assisted living and aged care in home Auckland, this would no longer be a problem because they do not have to leave the comfort of their homes in any way. The setting of their life will always be familiar and this can make sure that your loved ones are happy and comfortable every day.

No one needs to worry about anything!

If your loved ones are living in a home by themselves then every responsibility is going to be taken care of by themselves as well. This is not very convenient to do but with assisted living or in home care, there is always someone to do the tasks around the house and so, no one needs to worry about anything at all since responsibilities will always be managed by professionals.

Category: Medical Services

Do You Disinfect Your Dental Chair?

Once you have bought your dental chair for sale, the next thing you should be focusing is on how should you maintain it and what tops the maintenance question is, how you will be disinfecting your dental chair. Why is that important? Well, your chair is that one thing on which each and every patient will lay down, hence, it is used by all. Your chair is exposed to all the saliva, fluids from mouth and blood from each patient during their visit and time on the dental chair. Having that said, you wouldn’t want to leave your dental chair with that filth and expect your patients to visit you again, secondly, as a doctor, you will be the one responsible for spreading diseases to your patients by sharing an infected dental chair.  

What you should be knowing is that while dentists do focus on maintenance of their chair, they do often overlook t disinfecting the chair, which is a crucial part of maintenance. A study from CDC Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health Care Settings, if the dental chairs are not properly cleaned, these are the diseases that both the dentist and the patients will be exposed too:  

  1. HIV  
  1. Hepatitis B and C 
  1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis 
  1. Herpes simplex virus 

How are these diseases transferred to you? Well, if you get in contact, a physical contact with the body fluids, or the blood spatter, so much so, by sneezing or inhalational contact with these microorganisms then chances to exposure to these diseases is very high. If not diseases, then the dental chair is definitely exposed to bed bugs and even lice from patient’s hair. Now imagine the embarrassment of your patients noticing lice crawling on your dental chair. 

Here is a procedure we recommend you to maintenance your Dental Chairs:  

Firstly, know that each equipment comes with a manual, so does the dental chair. It also tells you how to clean your chair and what procedure to follow. The manuals are detailed enough to guide you through the kind of cleansers that can be used without damaging the chair material and how often you are supposed to clean it. Once you have got the cleaning materials, we suggest you to do a small test on a corner of the chair, just to be sure nothing is being damaged. For more information, please log on to

When you start to perform the cleaning routine, it is recommended to properly cover yourself, wear your mask, gown and gloves and then get into doing the job.  

In addition, here are few tips of disinfecting and cleaning your dental chair after each treatment:  

  • Make sure the inside of the suction tubes, as well as the suction system are both properly rinsed, followed by proper cleaning of suction system. 
  • Make sure you clean the inside of instrument tubes.  
  • Definitely, make sure to clean and disinfect the filter cover and the spittoon area.  



Category: Dental Care

How To Relieve Back Pain

At one point or the other, we have all suffered from back pains. We know that different people experience different levels of pain. But we can all agree that back pains can be excruciating to experience. Therefore when something like this happens the only thing that you would want to do is lie in bed. But more often than not even this would not help to relieve the pain that you are experiencing. We know that the next option would be to rely on pain medication. But what if I was to say that there is another way to handle this pain.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

The moment you start experiencing back pain you should not consider visiting a infrared laser treatment Gold Coast. Instead, consider what would have lead to you experiencing such a level of pain. More often than not these pains are a result of sleep disturbance. This not only means that you didn’t get enough sleep. But it also means that your quality of sleep was extremely poor. The main cause for this problem would be a poor mattress. Thus, that is why your first course of action should be to purchase something new. Furthermore, that is not all. You also need to make sure that it is the correct mattress for your problem. This means it should neither be too firm nor too soft. Moreover, it would also do you a world of good if you place an extra pillow under your body. That is because this pillow would then go on to help maintain the curve of your spine.

Do Yoga

In this day and age, it sometimes seems that everyone you know is doing yoga. We know that many individuals do yoga in order to remain healthy and fit. Thus, that is why yoga is not the first thing that you think about when you experience back pain. Instead, it’s great plantar fasciitis treatment in Gold Coast. But we can tell you now that yoga can be your miracle solution if you let it. That is because it has the power to reduce the pain that you are experiencing by loosening tight muscles. Furthermore, when you are experiencing back pain the last thing that you would feel is relaxed. You know that by relaxing you would be able to relieve the pain. But it would seem like an impossible task to accomplish. However, that is not necessarily true. That is because by doing yoga you can do just that.Thus, this is how you effectively relieve back pain.

Category: Medical Services